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Vastushanti Pujan

Vastu Shanti Puja is a spiritual and religious process to offer prayers to the Vastu Purush who is the Lord, protector and soul of the house and seek the blessings for positivity and prosperity. During this worship, people also pay their tribute to the deity of directions, five elements of nature, and natural forces.


Some of the major objectives of performing Vastu Shanti Pooja are –

To eliminate any kind of faults relating to interiors exteriors, or structures of buildings.

To seek forgiveness of God for the damage done to the nature during construction.

To ask for the blessings of Vastu Purush for happiness, wealth and good health.

Offer prayers to Vastu Purush for protection of home or office from natural calamities.

To appease any form of supernatural force which might be dangerous for the occupants

Vastu Purusha idol/photo

Lord Ganesha idol/photo

Kuldevatha photo

Vastu Yantra


Betel leaves

Darbh grass




Sesame Seeds




Sandalwood paste





Five types of fruits

Five types of flowers

Five kinds of sweets

Samidha (Mango wood)

Urad dal

Earthen lamp



Incense sticks

Panchagavya Prashan: Consume Panchagavya made from the five elements of cow – milk, ghee, cow dung, urine,

Swastika: As the holy symbol of Swastika eliminates negative energies from home and prevent it from evil eyes

Ganesh Poojan: The Ganapati Puja is considered auspicious before commencing any auspicious ceremony or Puja as it removes obstacles in life.

Sankalpa: The head of the house seek the blessings of the Vastu Devta  and the Lord of the nine planets.

Kalash worship: A cooper Kalash is filled with water, a coin, and nine kinds of grains. A coconut is tied in a red cloth and placed on top of the kalash with five mango leaves in its bottom.

Kuldevata Smaran & Vandan: Coconut & betel leaf are offered to Kuldevata, Vastudevata, or guru to seek blessings.

Punyah- wachan: The Brahman (guruji) gives the blessings of “Let today’s day be the auspicious day.”

Matrika Pujan: It is performed to avoid violence.

Vasodhara Pujan: Worship of the Buddhist bodhisattva of wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

Nandishradh: The deceased elders and the ancestors of the family are worshipped.

Acharya Varana: Appointment of Guruji to perform the process of vastushanti.

Yogini Pujan

Kshetrapal Puja: The kshetrapal devata is worshipped with rice, urad dal and kapur. Pleasing him will eliminate negativities from the place and bless it with a positive Vastu.

Agneya Establishment

Navagraha Pujan: This Puja is performed to seek the blessings of blessings from Adidevata and ‘Prathana Devata’.

Vastu Mandal Puja: The 62 gods are invited & worshipped to seek their divine blessings on home.

Grahamandal Puja: It involves worshipping of 42 Gods of Navagraha mandal.

Havan: Mango wood, rice, and ghee are offered in the havan to appease planetary gods.

Vastu Devta Homan: Samidha, kheer, sugar, ghee and sesame seeds are offered in havan process and “Beal-fruit” is offered to Vastu Devta.

Purnahuti: After the Havan, the mantra – “पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पूर्णमुदच्यते। पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते॥“ is recited for the successful completion of the Puja.

Uttarpooja: Gods are invited and worshipped with dhoop, flowers, lamp & naivedya.


Abhishek: The holy water in the Kalash is sprinkled on the host and all the people present at the loactaion.

Dharapoojan: Goddess earth is also worshipped.

Dakshina: The Pandits or the Brahmans performed the Puja are given clothes and Dakshina.

Brahmin Food: Food is first offered to the Brahmins and then distributed to others.

Vastu shanti puja eliminates any kind of health and wealth issues.

It helps in removing the negative impacts of the planets on the horoscope.

The worship helps in improving the relationship between the family members.

It eliminates all kinds of hurdles in career, marriage or any other areas of life.

It purges every corner of the home and brings happiness and prosperity in it.

Blesses home with peace and harmony.

Protects homes and offices from natural and unnatural calamities.

It brings wealth and prosperity in business when this Puja is performed in offices.

Increases the flow of positive energy and removes negative and evil energy.

Frequently Ask Question

Nunc ut erat at massa elementum tempus ?

Integer aliquam sed ante non volutpat. Aenean vitae nulla varius, dictum nisi non, rhoncus sem. Vivamus vel velit semper, sagittis ante vel, tempor augue. Proin quis justo auctor, auctor risus vitae, tempor enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus facilisis aliquam eleifend. Donec eget nisl elementum, luctus velit ut, viverra tellus.

Aenean id aliquam velit, eget consequat neque. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent id cursus odio, eget aliquet lectus. Pellentesque id commodo diam. Aliquam in urna tincidunt, ullamcorper sapien at, imperdiet ex. Mauris laoreet pellentesque mi quis ornare. Donec non pulvinar nulla. Aenean suscipit tellus ut ex luctus, eu rhoncus nisi viverra. Curabitur sit amet erat nulla.

Nunc ut erat at massa elementum tempus ?

Integer aliquam sed ante non volutpat. Aenean vitae nulla varius, dictum nisi non, rhoncus sem. Vivamus vel velit semper, sagittis ante vel, tempor augue. Proin quis justo auctor, auctor risus vitae, tempor enim. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus facilisis aliquam eleifend. Donec eget nisl elementum, luctus velit ut, viverra tellus.

Aenean id aliquam velit, eget consequat neque. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent id cursus odio, eget aliquet lectus. Pellentesque id commodo diam. Aliquam in urna tincidunt, ullamcorper sapien at, imperdiet ex. Mauris laoreet pellentesque mi quis ornare. Donec non pulvinar nulla. Aenean suscipit tellus ut ex luctus, eu rhoncus nisi viverra. Curabitur sit amet erat nulla.

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